Meet Our Gift Suppliers: Introducing Profile Pages

February 15, 2024
Meet Our Gift Suppliers: Introducing Profile Pages

What would a gifting platform be without gifts? Not much. Enter Unwrapit's unique collection of gift suppliers.

Over the years, Unwrapit has pulled together a truly unique collection of gift suppliers. From the moment our team decided to prioritize gifts that weren’t physical and couldn’t end up in landfill, we found ourselves looking for gift suppliers that didn’t fit the typical mold of corporate or event gift.

The gift suppliers Unwrapit works directly with are typically small businesses that happen to offer a product or service that isn’t physical and would make a great corporate or event gift. As small businesses, they have the same struggles we have. Growing their business. Standing out. Being recognized for the unique product or service they have created. We know what it takes to run and grow a small business, and so do everything we can to promote and lift the profile of our gift suppliers.

Other gift suppliers are nonprofits and charities that we have a direct relationship with. They are running programs that have a substantial social or environmental impact. When their gifts are claimed through Unwrapit, the organization received the full value of the gift and can put the funds to use as they see fit. Just like with our small business gift suppliers, we go out of our way to promote and lift the profile of these organizations.

We're excited to share that Unwrapit's website now features profile pages for a number of our small business and nonprofit gift suppliers. These pages provide information about the supplier, allowing customers to learn about the companies and organizations we work with.

We will be adding more gift supplier profile pages in the coming months. To browse a comprehensive list of the gift options available through Unwrapit, head over to Gift Ideas or have a look at our growing collection of Gift Guides.