Published Sep 19, 2024



A Full Circle Experience for PopTech 2023 attendees.




Claim Rate


Aligned Gift Options


Main Theme: Nuance

At PopTech 2023: Nuance, every attendee received a post-event gift. This curated list of gift options included audio and ebooks authored by speakers and donations to non-profit organizations featured during the forum.

Campaign Impact

The campaign resulted in donations and raised awareness for non-profit organizations and book sales for featured authors.

Gift Options

Book or Audiobook versions of:

  • The Real Work: On the Mystery of Mastery by Adam Gopnik
  • Building by Mark Ellison
  • Birding Under the Influence by Dorian Anderson
  • Billionaires Club by Jeff Nesbit

Donations to:

  • GirlTREK
  • WellSpring Living
  • American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
  • Indigenous Environmental Network


At the core of its mission, PopTech values the generosity of its community and was interested in a new approach to gifting that departed from traditional swag giveaways.

The PopTech team chose to partner with Unwrapit to share a meaningful gift with participants at the end of the event.

It was important that the gifting experience and gift options be aligned with PopTech’s longstanding commitment to environmental sustainability.


Thanks to the partnership with Unwrapit, PopTech attendees had the opportunity to choose from a curated list of hand-picked and relevant gift options.

All gift options were digital, avoiding the need for attendees to pack and transport a physical item. Committing to a 100% digital gift option avoided post-use accumulation in landfills.

The experience was created with the same brand assets used throughout the event, making the process of post-event gifting an instantly recognizable and interactive continuation of the event.


Attendees both enjoyed and appreciated the experience and gift options.

With a claim rate of 59% and a nice spread of gift options claimed, the experience was a definite success and a nice full-circle experience for attendees.

Participant feedback was overwhelmingly positive and the initiative reinforced the awareness-raising commitment that has long been a part of the PopTech annual conference.

We were delighted to partner with Unwrapit. Their approach to event gifting is a refreshing departure from the swag bag approach utilized by so many convenings. We were looking for a way to say thank you while protecting the environment and Unwrapit helped us achieve that. We look forward to working together in 2024
Leetha Filderman
Leetha Filderman
President, CEO

Be the hero of gift giving

Let’s craft a gifting experience that’ll really matter.
Ready when you are.

Interested in creating a fun, full-circle moment for your attendees?

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