

Support a charity or cause that's important to you. Donate to any one of the 86,000+ Canadian charities featured on CanadaHelps.

CanadaHelps is Canada's best destination for donating online. You can support a charity or cause that's important to you.

Use your gift card to donate to any one of the 86,000+ Canadian charities featured on CanadaHelps.

Almost 2 million people have donated more than $1 billion over the last 20 years!

Pay it forward today.

Available Gift Denominations
$5, $10, $15, $20, $25, $30, $40, $50, $75, $100, $150, $200, $250, $500
Available Currencies

Gifting Inspiration:

Charitable gifts make a lasting impact. By choosing CanadaHelps your recipient can give what's meaningful to them.

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