Support a charity or cause that's important to you. Donate to any one of the 86,000+ Canadian charities featured on CanadaHelps.
CanadaHelps is Canada's best destination for donating online. You can support a charity or cause that's important to you.
Use your gift card to donate to any one of the 86,000+ Canadian charities featured on CanadaHelps.
Almost 2 million people have donated more than $1 billion over the last 20 years!
Pay it forward today.
Reach recipients with gift options curated just
for them, wherever they are, instantly.
Better yet, let them choose.
Reach recipients with gift options curated just
for them, wherever they are, instantly.
Better yet, let them choose.
Reach recipients with gift options curated just
for them, wherever they are, instantly.
Better yet, let them choose.
Reach recipients with gift options curated just
for them, wherever they are, instantly.
Better yet, let them choose.
Let’s craft a gifting experience that’ll really matter. Ready when you are.
Thinking of including CanadaHelps in a gift campaign? Book a demo.
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